Wednesday, December 2, 2009

International Space Station

International Space Station is a invention that is used for astronauts  to do their research. This invention began to build  on 1998 and is schedueld to finish on 2011. As for this year, the International Space Station(ISS) is known as the largest synthetic satellite in Earth Orbit  and weighs 344,378 kilograms as it has a larger mass than any other space station that humans have ever invent. It is measured 73 metre. The source of power is rendered by 16 sollar cells steed on the externel truss of the space station. This space station is also the place where Dato' Sheikh Muszaphar, Malaysia's first astronaut had done his research.   Since today, the International Space station has been in orbit for 4031 days and has been occupied for 3320 days.

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