Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful to GOD!!!!!

On 29th October 2009, I got my PSRA(Penilaian Sekolah Rendah Agama) results. Firstly, I was hoping for my target that is 92%. As I arrived school my heart was beating fast. Then I went straight to the school office to get my result ccertificate. I was surprised because my result because it was not that what I have dreamed!!!! I got 75.8%!! Then I returned home by my father's HONDA Stream. I realised that I cannot give up easily. I've tried my best and that is what I get from what i have studied from Year 1 untill Year 6. Even though I my results was not that I have been hope for , now I can only be thankful to God for what I have got!!

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